Before the 25th of each month, many people find themselves counting down the days before their salary clears in their bank account A Paycheck-to-paycheck life is a standard for a majority of people to the extent that it is a trending topic on TikTok and... Continue reading
Quiet luxury is the order of the day for anyone in the loop on the internet, and the buzz has spread to South Africa From TikTok videos of Sophia Richie and Emily Mariko’s epic yet understated weddings, most netizens are keen to see how the... Continue reading
We live in the day and age where freezing time through pictures and video is the norm for most For parents, their bundles of joy are only babies once, and many turn to social media to keep a record of their infant’s life Childhood expert... Continue reading
Most netizens in South Africa strive to live the ‘soft life,’ a modern concept centred on ultimate comfort, which has been explored by TikTok users from all walks of life While the soft life trend feels as though reserved for the wealthy with much money... Continue reading
Baby TikTok has been awash with educational videos of mothers encouraging their babies to self-feed. One of the most popular is Baby Rue, whose virality reached South African shores The TikTok is run by baby Rue’s mother from the UK, who started her off on... Continue reading
Taksi aerodorom Tivat do centra Budve cena Nemojte propustiti da odete u tivatsku botaničku baštu. Mornari su ovde doneli neobične biljke iz čitavog sveta, a svaka je od njih našla svoje mesto u ovom divnom vrtu. Ostrvo Cveća je prekrasni delić prirode, na kojem možete... Continue reading
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